
Monday 7 July 2014

Memory Making Monday

Hello there! Today I am back with my Memory Making Monday post. I am intending to share Project Life with you every Monday. Todays is a little different as it documents a very exciting event that happened this weekend! I am sure you must have seen that Le Tour de France Grand Depart has been happening in Yorkshire over the last 2 days, in fact it set of from Leeds on Saturday! Months and months ago I applied to be a volunteer and got accepted and underwent online and in person training for the event. My son Evan had to do some homework based on Le Tour so we decided to do a Project Life page documenting my role as a Tour Maker!
 We just did the one page and I am happy to report, and Evan was even happier, that it was on display in the main foyer into school last week! We used photos of my uniform and a photo of the training event I attended in Leeds a few weeks ago. We also used photos of the route and used one of the wooden embellishments to point out where I would be positioned!
 It was a VERY early start on the day, I was up at 4.50am (and this was the night after my big launch!). We had to be at this school in Leeds for 6.00am. Here is a little snapshot of just some of the volunteers that morning. Over the 3 days there will have been 10,000 volunteers used!
 We were supplied with a very attractive lime green combo!
 Quite by chance one of my lovely Stampin Up team members Ali was also on Sector 3 aswell. We weren't together though and I only saw her first thing in the morning! We do look quite awake here to say it was about 6.30am!
 We were bused to our destination and dropped off on Harrogate Road at about 7.30am. We then had quite a long walk to our various check points.
 Mine was at the top of this hill and when I arrived there just after 7.30am the road was very wet as you can see and it was quite quiet, just a few people setting up chairs and things.
 More and more people arrived and I did get asked lots of questions, mostly about what time things would be coming through etc...
 By the time the Peloton was due through the sun had come out and the roads were dry and it had got a whole lot busier! There were no barriers on my section and people were leaning into the road quite a lot.
Before we knew it the riders had come through and I wandered back down to my muster point to wait for the bus. Once I got home it was back to bed for a power nap for me as I went to the theatre to see the amazing touring production of Wicked that evening!

Hope you enjoyed todays post. If you managed to see it on TV I am sure you will agree what a beautiful place Yorkshire is. I will never again take for granted the wonderful countryside that I live so close to and I am so proud that the whole world got to see my home county!
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  1. I have to do some recording of our experience yesterday.y son Matt was in Honley as one of the tour makers. We went down there to see it. It was a brilliant experience!!! When we watched playback you could just glimpse us on tele. X

  2. A great experience and brilliant weather - you've
    Got a great picture of Mark Cavendish there before he crashed at the end!
