
Saturday 3 August 2013

Incentive Trip - Wednesday (Part 1)

So onto Wednesday! Part of me was looking forward to visiting Kanab (the Manufacturing facility) and part of me was nervous as I hate flying and this involved 2 chartered flights!! The flight there was fairly uneventful and we made history in that we were the biggest plane to land at St George Municipal Airport. All the ground staff were taking photos!

We then had a bus ride of approx 1hr 45 minutes until we were in Kanab, we even went through Arizona!!!

But what a fun bus ride it was, especially when you have Pam Morgan as your Bingo Caller - LOVE this lady, she is the best and I have to say is one of my favourites!!!

It wasnt long before we spotted the building in the distance. In the small town of Kanab, Stampin Up is the 3rd largest employer of staff, after the Government and the Council, how cool is that!!! Shelli and all the staff are very determined to keep manufacturing here as they care a great deal about the people of Kanab!

All the staff were lined up waiting for us and high fived us all the way into the building!

There was a gorgeous BBQ lunch waiting for us! I must admit it has been hard going back to cooking for my family this past week, I have got used to being cooked for!

After lunch we were shown round by a guy called Red and we visited the rubber area first, it was very warm! Here the rubber is heated for 5 minutes in large ovens and then the stamps are created as shown below.

Trimming the rubber, they make 4 stamp sets in one go.

The rubber was then added to cling mount and the next job was die cutting, which I got to have a go at here!

This lady was my fave, she is called Lenora and she put the stamps into the clear cases. All the staff were so accommodating and let us have a go! I am sure production must have been down that day!

I loved the ink pad area, here are all the inked up pads waiting to be glued in, by hand!!

The girl on the right was gluing the pads in, she was all messed up with ink but is working with a lady opposite with the most perfect nails! I asked her if she ever felt like flicking ink on her nails just so she was messed up too!!!

Stickering the ink pads!

Boxes of finished pads!

The card comes in big pallets like this!

So this guy has the job of cutting all the card down to size!

This machine sorts all the cardstock out into packs.

Stamp sets everywhere!

 Look at all the rolls of rubber!!

I think there have been enough photos on here for one day so I will be back with more, sharing Shelli's apartment and the famous playground!!



  1. Great photos and account of everything you saw Jules. What an amazing experience. Anne x

  2. It's lovely to hear about your trip Julie, thanks for sharing.
