
Sunday 20 November 2011

Roomie Gifts

Hello there!! How are you doing??

I have had the pleasure of sharing my room at Convention with 2 of my loveliest SU buddies, Jo D and Sarah-Jane!! They are both such talented crafters that I had been worrying what to make for them as their "Roomie Gift". I have seen a lot of gorgeous pictures made with the Embosslits butterfly so I bought these white frames and made a little picture for them for their craft rooms to remind them of our friendship!

I just hope they get there in one piece and the girls like them!!

The colours are all from the Subtles family and I thought it shows them off really nicely!

OK then thats me done for today, I should be home mid afternoon. I am a bit sad as Evan is dancing in a competition today and I am missing it!!! He is doing lots of dancing as well - typical!!!

Jules x

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful frames.
    Glad I saw you at convention, and wow, you're a great singer too!
    Sooooooooooooo talented!
