
Monday 31 January 2011

All Day Training Part 2!

Thank you for your lovely comments on my training day, here I am (a little later than anticipated) with part 2!
So after we had made our lovely bag it was time for lunch and of course a cupcake!! I asked my friend to make them in pink and purple to match our project!!!!
After lunch I talked about "Sharing what you love" and encouraged the girls to do this and went through some business ideas and then it was time to CRAFT!!!
We made this baggie book. I first saw these on a lady called Ronda Wade's blog in the USA and I know my upline Monica and Stampin sister Bekka used them at their training so I had to have a go!

They are a great way to showcase cards from the same stamp set without the cards getting damaged.

Pumpkin Pie, Melon Mambo, Daffodil Delight and Old Olive

Basic Gray, Very Vanilla and Basic Black

Crumb Cake, Early Espresso, Old Olive and Melon Mambo with Very Vanilla

Concord Crush, Pretty in Pink, Basic Black and Very Vanilla

River Rock, Tempting Turquoise and Rich Razzleberry

Here are the girls all crafting.

It was such a fab day and coupled with my lovely Evelyn staying for 2 nights it was a great weekend.
If you are a demonstrator or indeed thinking of signing up to be a demonstrator then please get in touch with me. Our next event is Saturday 9th April and I would LOVE to see you there!
Jules x


  1. Am so sad that I missed it! :-( I am hoping to make it on the 9th April tho!
    Love the variation you get by using different colours with the same stamp set! Thanks for the inspiration, as you know I've just got this in my starter kit! :-)
    Hugs, Vicky ~x~

  2. Gorgeous cards, Jules.. and I love the baggie book idea - must give that a go!

  3. Looks like a fab day Jules, gutted I couldn't be there. Hope your next one is even more of a success
