
Tuesday 23 March 2010


Hi there
I am sorry for not posting the Blog Candy winner last night. My lovely Grandma passed away yesterday morning so its been a strange couple of days. I am trying to help with some of the funeral arrangements to take some of the burden off my Mum. My Grandma would have been 99 next month, a fantastic age but her last couple of years have been deteriorating for her. I have found it hard to go visit her these last couple of years as she wasnt the person I know! My Grandma was a very funny, outgoing and loving person who also LOVED to sing, I would like to think I have some of her characteristics. She adored her 6 children, 9 grand-children and 7 great-grandchildren.
We also have no phone line or internet access again at the moment so I am sat here at my Mum's on her internet, trying to sort out some music to play at the funeral.
I will hopefully be back tomorrow with a card for you and the blog candy winner.
Sorry if I have droned on, its quite nice to be able to write your feelings down on here!
JUles x


  1. oh my Julie what are you sorry about? hugs janet

  2. I am so very sorry to hear your sad news if I can do anything at all..thinking of you love and hugs Elaine x

  3. Hi Julie
    sorry to hear about your Granny...its very sad at any age ...
    Sylvie xx

  4. So sorry to hear about your Grandma. Its always hard to lose a member of the family. Take Care.

  5. Sorry to hear of your sad loss Jules, but what a fantastic innings.Take care.
    Hugs Sonia xx

  6. Sorry to hear your sad news. Be thinking of you.

  7. Ah Sweetie, sorry to hear your sad news, thinking of you. You know where I am if you need anything, Hugs Sarah B XXX

  8. So sorry to hear about your Grandma Jules. What a great age to live to. I can only hope to live as long as that. I'm sure you have lots of wonderful memories of her and you'll never forgot those special times. My nan passed away almost 20 years now (this July is the 20th anniversary) and I still remember her very fondly. Please pass on my condolencenes to your mum as well.

  9. I've just found your blog. So sorry about your grandma. Just know that you are in my thoughts. I'll check back to see what you have created when you get back to a normal routine.

  10. I've just found your blog. So sorry to read of your grandma's passing. Please know that you are in my thoughts at this difficult time. I'll check back to see what wonderful creations you have made.

  11. When you lose someone that you love, part of yourself is lost. What remains forever is the love that is in your heart.
    Thinking of you at this sad time

  12. Hi Jules
    So sorry for your loss. I'm thinking about you hunny
    Keep smiling
    Hugs -x-

  13. Sorry to hear your sad news. You sound to have some lovely memories of her. Hope all goes well with the funeral.

    Chris xx

  14. I'm sorry to hear your sad news Julie. Your Grandma lived to a very good age, but it always a shock when it happens. Take care xx

  15. Jule's sorry to read your sad news, sending you a big hug!! Remember all of the good times,
    Angela x

  16. Hugs Julie, our thoughts are with you and yours

  17. Hey Jules, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. My thoughts are with you and your family. Love and best wishes Maria x

  18. hi hun

    so sorry to hear of your loss

    thinking of you at this sat time

    tracy x

  19. So very sorry to hear your sad news Julie but I am sure that your presence will be a help and comfort to your Mum - sending my sincere condolences to you and your family - Bridgette

  20. Sorry to hear about your Grandma, sending you a big hug.

    Jill x

  21. Sorry to hear about your Grandma Julie..My thoughts are with you and your family. x

  22. Hi Julie

    Sorry to hear you sad news, thinking of you.


  23. hi jules

    so sorry to hear of your sad news- its always so hard when we lose someone close. thoughtsare with you and your family, take care of each other - gentle hugs x

  24. Thinking and praying for you all xx
    Sarah x

  25. So sorry to hear about your Grandma Jules, thinking of you and your family. Kate xx

  26. I am so sorry to hear your your gran Jules, I am thinking of you and your family. Hugs Monica xx

  27. Hi Jules, have just seen your sad news, my thoughts, hugs and prayers are with you all

  28. Oh Jules I'm so sorry. Huge hugs to you and the boys.


  29. Sorry to hear your sad news Jules, best wishes to you and your family xx

  30. Oh my Hugs to you and your family Julie!!
