
Monday 23 November 2009

Last Saturdays Class

Phew I am just about recovered from the weekends activites!
On SUnday Robin and I cleared out the conservatory!! It was chock a block with rubbish, old dresser, old settee, boxes, toys, exercise bike, cricket bags, you name it, it was in there!!!
Its almost clear which is a good job as the builder came round today and they are starting on Wednesday and it should be done within a week and a half!!! Wooo hooo. I am also having new flooring laid in the lounge so we will be all posh for Christmas. I took some photos today for the BEFORE shots but will show them all when its done!
So on Saturday I had a lovely but hectic class. 18 came to my Christmas Rush class, 15 minutes per card, here are 3 of the cards I don't think I have shown yet

And here are all the 8 cards they made. I placed 8 tables in the church hall and people were assigned to a table. Everything for one card was in a Really Useful box and then the boxes moved round, a bit like a Shoebox Swap.

Here we all are.

I had a few new ladies on Saturday and 2 brand new ladies to crafting who had never made cards before. They had a fab time and it was all down to 2 lovely ladies who I "buddied" them up with , Kate and Chris, thanks girls, it really made a huge difference.

I also had 2 children at my class, Jenny and Ross. Jenny is a regular at my classes but Ross (my son) hasnt been before. I think he struggled a bit but my lovely friend Jane (Jenny's Mum) helped him out a lot! They both loved it. If you are wondering what the bells on the table are, each time it was time to move on the kids took it in turns to shake the bells!! Ross was also timing it all on his mobile for me!

Finally I will leave you with Ross's cards. I am very proud of him, even though he says there is something wrong on every one of them!

Back tomorrow


  1. Looks like you had a fab time. Ross's cards are fab!

  2. Love the idea of each card kit in a box to move around the table, clever you! Oh and your cards are just fab!

    Vicki x
