
Monday 6 July 2009

An hour in the life of a 6 year old!

Sorry this post is non-craft related!
On Friday evening (whilst I was in my craft room and Dad was "supervising") Evan sneaked my precious Nikon camera and decided to do a spot of amateur photography!!!

He proudly came up to my craft room with the biggest grin on his face to announce he had "taken some pictures!!!"
Here is what I found!!!!!
A close up of the Star Wars game we had been playing! Which Evan "won".
His brothers pencil case!

Hmmmmm guess what Dad was watching!

What a surprise, the rugby!

Next was a trip to the kitchen and 2 rather arty farty shots of a pineapple!!

Hmmm this door looks really interesting!!!

And I will take one of my Dad as evidence that he really did know what I was doing all along!!

Back later on maybe with a card!


  1. great photo's jules. your son sure does have a talent, i love the pineapple and the pencil case must be treasure to a 6 year old. LOL
    thanks for sharing. this made me smile.

  2. think the door is the most...hmmm bizarre image? but just goes to show you what goes on in the male species! lol looks like he had fun tho!

  3. Wow Misses look at the crafty blogs rating today, your viewing have soared, You need to get Evan to do a blog of his own, what a superstar, great pineapple, Hugs Sarah B X

  4. Hmmmmmm - the boy's got talent!!

  5. Hi Jules. Bless him, he took some good photos.
    Lovely to see you today. I'll do my best to come to a class soon - would be lovely, and might see Sarah B too that way!
    If I am EVER organised (ha ha) you'll have to come to mine one day!
    Take care.
    Love Anne x
