
Thursday 31 July 2008

The great outdoors

We are still in Wales, cant say the weather has been as good the last few days. In the early hours of Tuesday morning we were woken by the loudest rain you have ever heard, together with wind, thunder and lightning (very very frightening!!!)

Taken lots of photos of the boys on this holiday as they have spent so much time outside so thought I would share a few with you!

Mum, no more photos please!!

Messing about with my eldest, I love this one, shows off how many freckles he gets in the summer!!

On the rope swing on the lane behind the cottage we are staying in!. We have stayed here 4 times now and I have photos of Ross on this rope swing each time we have been, can really see how he has grown!!

First time Evan has been big enough to go on the rope swing, last time we were here he was only 2 and a half!
The cottage really is a little piece of heaven, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the boys have played out without us watching their every move, has been nice to allow them a little more freedom, even if only for one week.
They are desperate to come back again for our 5th visit!


  1. Great photo's, looks like the boys are having a great time. Enjoy the rest of your break. x

  2. Great Photo's. My boy has freckles during summer as well!! Enjoy the rest of your break.
    Carole x

  3. Great photo's Jules, so glad you are having a lovely time, thanks for sharing :0) x
