
Monday 5 May 2008

Such a proud Mum!!

Yesterday was one of the proudest moments in my life!!!! Now please excuse this soppy and emotional post but I cannot help myself!!

My son Ross (who is nearly 9) played his first real cricket match yesterday for the team that my Dad, myself and my husband have all played for.

Cricket has been a big part of my life, nearly all my childhood was spent accompanying my Dad to various cricket matches, I LOVED it, I also played and was quite a tom boy, was like the son he never had!!!!!

Well yesterday was the moment I am sure my Dad has been looking forward to ever since Ross was born. My Mum and Dad put a birth announcement in the local paper on the week he was born and that even had a little cricketer on it!!!!

So my boy was up with the birds yesterday morning, he had his cricket whites on by 8.30 and did not need to be there until 9.30!!!!

He took it all in his stride, I was so nervous for him!!! Anyway his team won and he had a fab time, he bowled quite well but best of all he batted really well and even whacked two 4's!!!!!!
Can't wait for next week my cricket star!!!

Love Mum


  1. Oh Julie he looks ever so dapper in his whites, tell him a big WELL DONE from me as well, you have every reason to be so proud of him. M xx

  2. WELL DONE ROSS!!! It sounds like you have made your mum really proud. Keep up the good work.x

  3. Well done Ross. I bet you were just bursting with pride. x

  4. AWESOME. You deserve to be proud

  5. Well done Ross! Aw, jules, you must of been so proud :0) x

  6. OH WOW!!!!! WELL DONE ROSS......
